Organic Fuyu Persimmons
Fuyu persimmons develop a melt-in-your-mouth, honey-like flavor surrounded by a firmer texture. Light and hardy, these bright and delicious fall fruits resemble a tomato in shape and size.
Fuyu persimmons add a subtle sweetness to any salad or side dish; they are rich in vitamin A and a good source of vitamin C. Fuyus are firm and mildly sweet when harvested, and sweeten incredibly if allowed to ripen on your kitchen counter. Among all organic persimmon varieties, Fuyus have a wider shape with a flat base, develop a lighter orange shape and ripen at a faster rate than the Hachiya.
How do you prepare Fuyu persimmons? Peel and then slice or dice the fruit to add a mellow sweetness to your salad in place of strawberries, bake them until they soften or puree them for cakes and soft-textured desserts. A somewhat autumnal flavor further invites a sprinkle of cinnamon. Try eating them fresh out of hand, or pair them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.