Organic Cara Cara Navel Oranges
What are Cara Cara Oranges? The Cara Cara orange combines balanced sweetness with subtle cherry, rose and blackberry notes. The Cara Cara, also known as pink oranges, are believed to be a cross between the Washington Navel and the Brazilian Bahia navel, these seedless navel oranges easily separate from the rind. Sometimes called a pink-orange due to their beautiful blushed flesh, Cara Cara navels are grouped in with blood and Valencia varieties. Visually, each fruit features an indentation resembling a navel, while Cara Cara oranges specifically have a thicker, prominently textured rind with more pith underneath.
This seedless orange was originally cultivated as a hybrid. It adds a juicy, berry-like taste to recipes or when eaten as a snack.
We partner with other local organic producers to bring you fresh, rejuvenating citrus.