Organic Flavor Heart Pluots
The Flavor Heart pluot gets its name from its distinctively tapered shape – one resembling a heart as it hangs from the trees in our orchards.
As a variety of pluot – itself a hybrid between a plum and an apricot that takes on more of the former’s characteristics – the Flavor Heart’s dense, pale yellow flesh is very low in acid, and the sweetness and color contrast strikingly with its dark purple, almost black skin.
For the best eating experience, Farmer Al recommends leaving the fruit on your kitchen countertop for a few days until it gets soft. “Cool the soft fruit in your refrigerator and enjoy a delightful sweet treat like no other,” he says. From here, eat them directly out of hand, or slice one up for snacks or salads. Over the years, Flavor Hearts have rapidly grown in popularity among pluot-loving customers, too.
Flavor Heart pluots are typically available in late August.